Oritse Femi
Tuesday, 11 March 2025, 1:54 am
Oritse Femi Latest Songs 2025 Mp3 Download | Watch Oritse Femi New Videos Mp4 | Oritse Femi Albums, Biography And Song Lyrics
Oritse Femi, an award-winning Nigerian recording artist, enters the music stage with a brand new electrifying hit single titled “Angel.” In this song, he chipped […]
Oritse Femi, an award-winning Nigerian recording artist, enters the music stage with a brand new electrifying hit single titled “Angel.”…
Multi-gifted Nigerian singer, songwriter and entertainer, Oritse Femi surprises fans with another intriguing smash song dubbed “Dancia” which features Emma Shyne. On top of that, this […]
Multi-gifted Nigerian singer, songwriter and entertainer, Oritse Femi surprises fans with another intriguing smash song dubbed “Dancia” which features Emma Shyne.…
Award-winning Nigerian musician and entertainer, Oritse Femi has dropped another interesting singe named “So Sexy.” In this excellent track, he deployed the musical talent of […]
Award-winning Nigerian musician and entertainer, Oritse Femi has dropped another interesting singe named “So Sexy.” In this excellent track, he…
Highly talented singer and entertainer from Nigerian, Oritse Femi finds his way into the music section with another jaw-dropping song termed “Oleju.” In this song, […]
Highly talented singer and entertainer from Nigerian, Oritse Femi finds his way into the music section with another jaw-dropping song…
Award-winning Nigerian musician and entertainer, Oritse Femi visits the music arena with a brand new enthralling version of his song named “Mercies of the Lord […]
Award-winning Nigerian musician and entertainer, Oritse Femi visits the music arena with a brand new enthralling version of his song…
Amazingly skilled Nigerian musician and entertainer, Oritse Femi has recorded yet another astounding track dubbed “Amazing Grace.” Also, this new song is taken from his […]
Amazingly skilled Nigerian musician and entertainer, Oritse Femi has recorded yet another astounding track dubbed “Amazing Grace.” Also, this new…
Award-winning Nigerian musician and entertainer, Oritse Femi has dropped another interesting singe named “How Long.” On top of that, this new song is taken from […]
Award-winning Nigerian musician and entertainer, Oritse Femi has dropped another interesting singe named “How Long.” On top of that, this…
Famous musician and entertainer from Nigeria, Oritse Femi emerges with yet another stunning album labeled “Wicked World”. Also, this newly unveiled album, “Wicked World” consists of […]
Famous musician and entertainer from Nigeria, Oritse Femi emerges with yet another stunning album labeled “Wicked World”. Also, this newly unveiled…
Greatly talented recording artist and entertainer from Nigeria, Oritse Femi has delivered yet another scintillating smash single which he called “Mercies Of The Lord.” Moreover, this […]
Greatly talented recording artist and entertainer from Nigeria, Oritse Femi has delivered yet another scintillating smash single which he called “Mercies…
Amazing singer and songwriter from Nigeria, Oritse Femi has recorded a brand new stunning track which he tagged “Bless Me.” Furthermore, this new song is collected […]
Amazing singer and songwriter from Nigeria, Oritse Femi has recorded a brand new stunning track which he tagged “Bless Me.” Furthermore,…
Highly talented musician and performer from Nigeria, Oritse Femi surprises fans and listeners with a brand new fascinating single labeled “Aje.” In addition, this new song […]
Highly talented musician and performer from Nigeria, Oritse Femi surprises fans and listeners with a brand new fascinating single labeled “Aje.”…
Prominent musician and entertainer from Nigeria, Oritse Femi comes through with a bran d new entrancing single named “Money.” Yet again, this new song is […]
Prominent musician and entertainer from Nigeria, Oritse Femi comes through with a bran d new entrancing single named “Money.” Yet…
Phenomenal musician and performer from Nigeria, Oritse Femi finds his way into the music arena with an extraordinary record dubbed “Iwe.” Additionally, this new song is […]
Phenomenal musician and performer from Nigeria, Oritse Femi finds his way into the music arena with an extraordinary record dubbed “Iwe.”…
Naturally talented singer from Nigeria, Oritse Femi emerges with another thrilling record tagged “Shayo” which features Rocksteady. Again, this new song is collected from his newly unlocked […]
Naturally talented singer from Nigeria, Oritse Femi emerges with another thrilling record tagged “Shayo” which features Rocksteady. Again, this new song is…
Incredibly gifted Nigerian recording artist, Oritse Femi has unlocked yet another magnificent track dubbed “One Love” which features Little Pee-Pee. Furthermore, this new song is collected […]
Incredibly gifted Nigerian recording artist, Oritse Femi has unlocked yet another magnificent track dubbed “One Love” which features Little Pee-Pee. Furthermore,…