Dammy Krane

Dammy Krane Latest Songs 2025 Mp3 Download | Watch Dammy Krane New Videos Mp4 | Dammy Krane Trending New Songs, Latest Dammy Krane Album, Biography And Lyrics

Dammy Krane – Owe B Owe

Multi-talented Nigerian singer and songwriter, Dammy Krane comes through with another brand new mind-boggling song tagged “Owe B Owe.” On…

Dammy Krane – Fujipiano

Incredibly talented Nigerian musician and performer, Dammy Krane is back with yet another gobsmacking hit track named “Fujipiano.”  Furthermore, this…

Dammy Krane – Idan

Extremely competent singer, songwriter and entertainer from Nigeria, Dammy Krane has released yet another brand new sensational single labeled “Idan.”…

Dammy Krane – Ma Shere

Enormously talented Nigerian musical artist and entertainer, Dammy Krane make am musical comeback with “Mashere,” a brand new electrifying piece of…

Dammy Krane – Awa

Dammy Krane, a renowned singer and song composer from Nigeria, bunces into the music section with quite an enticing singe…

Dammy Krane – U

Madly talented recording artist and entertainer from Nigeria, Dammy Krane has voiced out another spectacular hit track termed “U.” On…

Dammy Krane – 69

Dammy Krane, a famous musical artist and entertainer from Nigeria, raves our speakers with another interesting song dubbed “69.” In…