Omah Lay Breaks Hearts After Posting Romantic Video of His Girlfriend

Bad news to the ladies who felt Omah Lay was referring to them in his songs…
Yesterday, Omah Lay broke the hearts of his female fans after he shared a video of his longtime girlfriend, Rachael.
Omah Lay and Rachel have been dating in secret, but Omah Lay felt it was time to let his fans know that he is happily taken. He shared videos showing romantic moments with his girl, even if his fans weren’t happy about it.
As expected, his fans took to Instagram to cry over the heartbreak and betrayal. Many have gone as far as posting videos of themselves crying and laying curses on the innocent girl. Others are calling him out for betraying them and wooing them with his songs –#Ithoughtweinthistogether
Whilst his female fans are delaying with the heartbreak, the male fans are of the opinion that Omah Lay shouldn’t have made his relationship public with the heavy breakfast being served to celebrities this September.
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